Active Consciousness

Longer Reviews

This page provides complete text for some reviews provided on the main Active Consicousness page.

Vatsala Sperling, MS, PhD, PDHom, CCH

The following appears online in the review section of the web site for the (North American Society of Homeopaths)

Having read Amy Lansky’s first book, Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy— a brilliant introduction to Homeopathy that includes a passionate account of the cure of her son’s autism by Homeopathy — I was naturally drawn to read her new book, Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within.

I see this book as the fruition of a personal quest Amy embarked upon while she was musing over the metaphysical aspects of Homeopathy that are beyond the ability of current science to prove or disprove. She describes this personal quest in Part I of Active Consciousness. Then, in Part II, Amy explores a rich and varied range of esoteric topics and suggests that we do not have to give up our rational mind, but only expand it so that we can come to grips with unexplained phenomena. These include psychic phenomena that have been tested scientifically, like remote viewing, telekinesis, and out-of-body experiences, the ideas of Ervin Laszlo about the Akashic field, and those of biologist Rupert Sheldrake about the morphic field. As Amy points out, the mechanism of many of these phenomena depend upon resonance or similarity in vibration. She also points out that principles of quantum physics are consistent with the principle of synchronicity — a phenomenon in which events within the similar fields of meaning occur simultaneously. Likewise, a fundamental principle of Homeopathy, the Law of Similars, operates on the basis of a synchronicity between the vibration of a medicinal substance and that of a patient. When these vibrations match, cure happens.

As the title indicates, an important topic of the book is the power of “active consciousness” — that is, the ability to use the power of human consciousness to create change in the outer world. In other words, consciousness is not only a passive phenomenon, but an active one. We are introduced to this notion on the first page of the book, which shows a sketch with a quote from Yogi Berra, “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.” On reading further, it becomes obvious that the book is intended to create a state of active consciousness so that a fork in the road can be taken with certitude and joy. Just as computers run on the basis of software, Amy — a former computer scientist and researcher of artificial intelligence — points out that our body, brain, emotions, and mind are run by the soul, the spirit, or the inner, higher Self. If we wish to stop marching like slaves to our ego or personality, we need to wake up from sleep, connect with our Self and become masters of our fate. Such mastery is not left to chance, but can be attained by mindful-meditation exercises that Amy has learned from her own teacher, Gary Sherman, and which she introduces to the reader with exercises scattered throughout the book. In Part III, Amy introduces a theory she has developed that our inner Selves are actually higher-dimensional entities that can affect our trajectory through three-dimensional space and time. In Part IV, she then relates this material to the esoteric wisdom of teachers like Rudolf Steiner, G.I. Gurdjieff, and the Kabbalah, with a particular focus on the higher energy bodies.

In her recommended meditation exercises, Amy encourages us to open up to a method for dissipating troublesome physical sensations and emotions, yielding the onset of clarity. In the state of “NOW+” — a state of being “in the Now” combined compassion and loving-kindness — Amy argues that we can most effectively use the subtle force that underlies the power of active consciousness. She describes a method for utilizing this power that enables us to tap into our inner consciousness, activate it, and realize for ourselves that we are multi-dimensional beings that can evolve. As we do so, the mystery that surrounds our incarnated being can become clear, the forces and fields that this consciousness traverses in its journeys through lifetimes and space can be demystified, and a heightened state of awareness can be achieved so that we can feel good, healthy and happy in spite of ourselves. Parts V and VI of Active Consciousness focus on developing this state of inner awareness and include additional exercises and experiments. We are called upon to make a commitment to feeling good by being proactive, calling up happy feelings, entering a situation with happiness, gratitude, appreciation and trusting, allowing a more expansive view of life, and opening our hearts to giving and receiving love.

When I finished reading Active Consciousness, it occurred to me that as practitioners of an energy medicine like Homeopathy, we encounter the complex issues our clients on a daily basis. More often than not, we come to a fork in the road as we contemplate how to help our clients or how to solve a case. We pause a moment, look left then look right, think and wonder. But we can’t stop. We must move on because life is but movement. And for some reason, sometimes known to us and sometimes not, we choose one arm of the fork over the other and take a step toward it. We take the fork, just as Yogi Berra said. After reading this book, it became obvious that in essence, we have found a way of tapping into active consciousness and that this power can help us make our decision about which arm of the fork to take. Moreover, we can do so in a wakeful, aware, joyful state — as if we know exactly what we are supposed to be doing. Uncertainty will be left by the wayside as you proceed in your chosen direction. You will walk on confidently by allowing yourself to be open to and accepting of the mysteries of life.

For this and many other reasons, I recommend this book to homeopaths and all seekers of deeper awareness and consciousness. In fact, much of the content of Chapters V and VI can be useful tools to suggest to our patients. Another strong aspect of this book is the list of references tracing back the source material in connection with every chapter, as well as a useful index.

Many others in alternative medicine must have wondered, like Amy Lansky has, about the mysterious nature and dimension of the healing work they engage in. For all those wondering, thinking individuals, this book is gift — well written, coherent, purposeful and clear. It encourages us to continue to think and wonder albeit joyfully, and as the author commands in the very end, to “CHOOSE JOY”.


Peter Chappell

The following appeared in the June 2012 issue of LINKS, Volume 25 2/2012:

Amy L. Lansky is an American author, computer scientist, and homeopath, noted for having written Impossible Cure: the Promise of Homeopathy. At the core of Impossible Cure is the amazing story of her son’s cure from autism with homeopathy. Although Amy no longer practises as a homeopath, her new book Active Consciousness fits well into homeopathic thinking.

This is Amy’s journey of life touching on many of the sources that are cutting edge today, as well as cutting edge for centuries. If you are new to the field of consciousness, then Amy’s living story will take you through it, covering many rich sources, by extracting gems and moving on. For example she mentions Gurdjieff and the source, Abraham, Stuart Wilde and Eckhart Tolle, Lynn McTaggart, Goswami and many more. The content includes our false identity, Star Trek, UFOs, the field effect, our energising force and Harry Potter.

The advantage of this book is that it’s not just one person’s in depth idea, but an eclectic combination of ideas and exercises used to create a set of modern consciousness tools. The book’s sets of exercises gives easy access to the inner meaning of her subject. The major idea is to examine consciousness in us and to become active in this realm. To develop awareness by observation, to build our awareness muscle, an essential means to awaken us from the sleep of humanity. It digs into our thoughts, feelings and sensations, as well as offering ways to find our inner qualities in the here and now, the zone of stillness and peace, and reliable, contented, lasting happiness.

Amy writes well. It’s friendly, comprehensible and eminently practical. It’s a unique journey, much like many homeopaths make in manifold ways. In this it’s inspiring and confirming as well as enlightening of the possibilities life holds in these exciting times, and in the ways homeopathy can take you inwards.


Judy Kitt

The following was published in the October 2011 issue of the Foundation for Mind Being Research Newsletter (

FMBR was founded over thirty years ago as an interdisciplinary quest for integrated models of consciousness. Since that time, a great deal of solid scientific research has been done, and continues to be done, which sheds light on the nature of the universe we inhabit and the effect of human consciousness on that universe. It is becoming increasingly clear that the state of our consciousness, individual and collective, is intricately linked to the quality of our lives and our physical environment.

In her new book, Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within, Amy Lansky — artificial intelligence researcher, and later, homeopath and author of the best-selling Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy — puts forth a model of consciousness based on her description of higher dimensions in space. Citing research from a number of scientific disciplines, she demonstrates that there is much more going on below the surface of what we call reality than we are currently aware of. She does not, however, limit herself to the outer world of western scientific discoveries. Citing millennia of Eastern esoteric sciences and the teachings of mystics, both ancient and modern, Amy creates a coherent and expansive map of the terrain for the reader to explore. She proposes that we can — and indeed, must — develop our own powers to perceive the forces that underlie the universe and then use those powers to consciously create a much better world. To that end, Amy provides exercises and tools for the readers to use in order to facilitate the process of transformation in their own lives.

Though the topic is vast, Amy has created a work that is accessible and engaging. Using examples from her own life and experiences, she offers a narrative that deftly guides the reader through the worlds of unexplained phenomena, alternative medicine and meditative practice. Grounded both in science and mystic tradition, her book is an inspiring invitation to explore the portals to higher consciousness for yourself.

Our world is currently confronted by challenges unlike any we have faced before, and we do not know what lies ahead. As Amy writes, “I believe that the best strategy for meeting these challenges is for each one of us to move forward into a new way of being.” Active Consciousness is a handbook for doing just that. For more information go to


Dr. Kenneth Silvestri

The following appears on Amazon:

What is delightful about Amy Lansky’s new book is that she compiles and explains with clarity, the essence of what is now being called “Energy Psychology and Healing.” Active Consciousness covers complex themes that were previously thought to be incredulous and on the edge. Recent works by authors such as Lynn McTaggart, who brings to light solid research on energy fields, and Bruce Lipton’s findings about the paramount importance of environmental factors on our evolving self and its untapped potential, have opened the door to practical and attainable advances in self development. Previous writings and narratives from all the major spiritual heritages have articulated the mystical interconnections to our reality as well as the healing legacies of many native indigenous cultures that have unfortunately been encapsulated as unfounded by westernizations’ linear minded framework. However now a tipping point is occurring that supports the paradigm of holistic meaning and unlimited human potential and Dr. Lansky’s book is definitely part of this movement.

She uses her own personal experiences and inquiries, from the impetus emanating during a Star Trek episode to the depth of scientific experiments and research-based provings of new possibilities to define reality. Drawing on the works of Rudolf Steiner, Carl Jung, Rupert Sheldrake, Gurdjieff and others, as well as contemporary research scientists, she explores her own personal transformation to create a means for others to do so. The book is written so as to have the reader share in the experience and shift to being in the present or “now” as her well founded explorations bring new insights to our personal development. The theme of how we are all connected, and need be at this point in our human evolution to literally save our world, is a thread that permeates Lansky’s ultimate message.

Using the sources mentioned above, and many others, she takes us on a journey to discover new dimensions of how reality is constructed and its relevance to our very evolution as a species. She illuminates the depth of how we communicate and construct our world-view and challenges the prevailing limitations imposed on us by cultural constraints and ego minded agendas. Within this explicative vision she invites us through simple and profound exercises, many of which are derived from her mentors Gary Sherman and Ellen Miller, to experience for ourselves the implications of her points of interest. The many mysteries that we encounter are brought to light as being fully credible, be it the gift of homeopathy – which she explains in clear detail – or the paranormal means of communication that we have all witnessed yet may have been leery to share with others.

The insights into quantum physics and biology are not only mind-opening but useful in looking at emotional and physical development. The book is full of positive energy, encouraging the reader to use attainable affirmations and a practice of gratitude to push the envelope to achieve the loving self that we are all capable of being. It is without a doubt a must read by anyone contemplating how to make their life work in a more meaningful manner with confidence, not only for one’s self but for all of us in this very interconnected reality that we share.

Dr. Kenneth Silvestri is a psychotherapist and certified classical homeopath (CCH). He is in private practice (Montclair, N.J. and Nyack, N.Y.) and offers a unique integrative and mindful approach to improving one’s immune system by resolving emotional and physical problems. His doctorate is in anthropology and psychology from Columbia University. Dr. Silvestri has published over sixty articles and conducted hundreds of workshops in the area of interpersonal communication, forgiveness, stress management, homeopathy and is currently working on a book about navigating the paradoxes of life. He is also an active black belt student of Aikido, a martial art based on peace and harmony. Contact and information can be found at: