From my summer Impossible Cure Newsletter:
It’s summer! As I often do, I’m taking the summer to engage in a bit more rest and reflection and a bit less writing. Hence a combined July/August summer issue of the Impossible Cure Newsletter. And don’t forget: take time off this summer for some rest and reflection yourself! Doing so is often as important as (or more important than) taking the right remedy.
Interesting Viewing
- Check out the following clips of me talking about the relationship between homeopathy and synchronicity. This was filmed as part of my participation in an upcoming movie about consciousness and synchronicity, Time is Art. You might also be interested in reading a short interview of me, that was part of the movie promotion.
- Water Has Memory — some work done in Germany, similar to that of Masaru Emoto in Japan.
- I may have posted this one before, but here is MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff talking about the relationship between alumninum, glyphosate (aka Roundup), and autism.
Progress on the Legalization Front
What with all the depressing news about our increasing loss of liberty in choosing whether or not we want to vaccinate ourselves or our children, it is nice to hear about a bit of increase in health freedom! The state of Nevada has just become another state where alternative healers can practice more freely, thanks to passage of AB295, the Healing Arts Bill for Wellness Services. Unfortunately, it seems that some MDs and DOs, who happen to have a homeopathic licensing board in Nevada, have blocked this expansion of practice rights to unlicensed professional homeopaths.
Some Useful Homeopathic Resources
Homeopathic research continues unabated. Those who say there is no evidence for homeopathy simply haven’t looked. One of our world leaders in making this material available is Indian homeopath Saurav Arora; we all owe him a debt of thanks. Here are some links to information he has made available:
- A compendium of articles (2008-2014) from the International Journal of High Dilution Research (IJHDR). IJHDR has served as an important platform for the publicaton of research in the field of high dilution and homeopathy since its foundation in 2008. It is an invaluable resource for researchers, academicians, and clinicians, being the first open-access, peer-reviewed, online journal specialized in this field.
- A huge number of articles are available on the site The database of articles is subdivided into many categories such as: Fundamental and Basic Research; Clinical Research; Provings; Veterinary; Agronomy; Dentistry; Surveys; and more. Most of the papers cited in the database include links to the original paper.
- Another Indian homeopath, Manish Bhatia, is the force behind the excellent Hpathy Journal, which I recommend to all of you interested in learning more about homeopathy in depth. Sign up is free. The journal comes out monthly and includes fascinating articles, including a series of articles by homeopath Robert Medhurst summarizing research studies.
- How can I not tout the writing of my own homeopath, Deborah Olenev? The series of articles on her website are interesting, thoughtful, and useful. They can be found on her web site,
- And don’t forget that past issues of the Impossible Cure newsletter can be found on the Impossible Cure site.