You might think of this book as The Power of NowThe Holographic UniverseThe Intention ExperimentIn Search of the MiraculousThe Secret, and The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent all blended together in a very personal and accessible way. Active Consciousness will appeal to anyone — even a skeptic — who wants to learn more about spirituality, consciousness, and meditation and to develop the power of “active consciousness” for themself — the ability to tap into the true inner Self and guide the trajectory of the world in which they live. Even an experienced meditator will discover many new ideas and concepts in Active Consciousness. The book includes:

  • A discussion of scientific studies of psychic phenomena, that helps the reader awaken to the possibility that there really is something more beyond our mechanistic and materialistic view of reality.
  • A model of how these phenomena might be operating based on an easy-to-understand yet scientifically-minded model of higher dimensions in space.
  • A discussion of esoteric systems of thought that provide another take on the same type of phenomena and information, including the ideas of Gurdjieff, Steiner, and Kabbalah.
  • A discussion of how this information relates to alternative energy-based medical systems like acupuncture, hands-on healing, and homeopathy.
  • An introduction to personal self-exploration, including meditative exercises and active consciousness experiments.

This broad spectrum of content is held together and made accessible through personal stories and anecdotes, coupled with a very conversational tone. Readers have found Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within to be a transformational experience. Let it transform your life!

More to Explore!

* Book specs, flyers, press release, and a cool  bumper sticker!

* Check out these interviews of Amy about the relationship between homeopathy and synchronicity and the teachings of Gurdjieff and other mystics that were filmed for a movie about consciousness, Time Is Art.

* Amy’s converstion with Charles Eisenstein: Synchronicity and the Impossible.

AC – Sperling

This book is a gift — well written, coherent, purposeful and clear. I recommend [it] to all seekers of deeper awareness and consciousness.


Vatsala Sperling

PhD, CCH, Reviewer for the North American Society of Homeopaths (

AC – Kitt

In her new book, Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within, Amy Lansky puts forth a model of consciousness based on her description of higher dimensions in space… Citing millennia of Eastern esoteric sciences and the teachings of mystics, both ancient and modern, Amy creates a coherent and expansive map of the terrain for the reader to explore. She proposes that we can—and indeed, must—develop our own powers to perceive the forces that underlie the universe and then use those powers to consciously create a much better world… Amy has created a work that is accessible and engaging. Using examples from her own life and experiences, she uses the narrative to deftly guide the reader through the worlds of unexplained phenomena, alternative medicine and meditative practice… Her book is an inspiring invitation to explore the portals to higher consciousness for yourself.


Judy Kitt

President, Foundation for Mind Being Research (

AC – Katra

Amy Lansky leads us on an inspiring and thought-provoking romp through a panoply of portals to our higher dimensional selves. She’s an entertaining travel guide to the minds of great scientists, mystics, and philosophers as she argues convincingly that we really can bring the improbable futures we want for ourselves into reality. Let her alter your consciousness and take you higher!


Jane Katra

PhD, author of The Heart of the Mind and Miracles of Mind (

AC – Sirian

This is a book that I stumbled upon only recently, and I’m glad I did. This is a book that every student leaving college should have, as it gives you good cases on how the law of attraction works, as well as simple exercises on how to achieve being present and feeling love (which incidentally helps the law of attraction for you). After reading this book, you will never want to loose your personal power again, as it guides you into a new understanding of how you can create a new reality. It also includes quotes from famous spiritualists and philosophers that demonstrate the point that your mind can influence the consciousness around you, so you can better your life. A must read!


Julian Sirian

Top 5 Books That Will Change the Way You Think, (

AC – Larson

An excellent “How-To” book for accessing higher levels of order in your life…Active Consciousness does an excellent job of illustrating the ways expanded dimensionality of consciousness might be expected to interact with our 3D conceptualization of the world… Lansky provides numerous examples of ways we can do this, whether through something akin to homeopathic treatments, or through meditation and visualization exercises she provides throughout this book. As Lansky also explains, once we achieve a state of genuine, authentic, deep communication with others, true connection can occur…. I especially love the way Lansky includes lots of fun illustrations alongside some of the key points she’s making in her book… Packed with numerous exercises, Active Consciousness makes an excellent guidebook for taking your consciousness to the next level. Highly recommended!


Cynthia Sue Larson

author of Quantum Jumps (

AC – Targ

Amy Lansky’s new book is an inspiring and far-ranging investigation of contemporary consciousness research. In her program to spare us from the madness around us, she draws on Rudolf Steiner, Gurdjieff, Rupert Sheldrake, Dean Radin, and many others. She is also encouraging us to explore the transformation of our consciousness as a way to increase our peace of mind, happiness, and what the Buddhists call liberation from the wheel of suffering. Who would not want that?


Russell Targ

author of Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness (

AC – Radin

This is a delightful book. Well written and intensely packed with interesting information. It made my head spin—in a good way!


Dean Radin

PhD, author of The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds (

AC – Scott

One of the most amazing thinkers/writers/activists of our time! Read her book Active Consciousness….mind blowing…


Carolyn M. Scott

Executive Director, Cool Planet Labs (

Most of us use the term “conscious” or “consciousness” to denote the state of awareness when we are awake or alert, as opposed to asleep or simply unaware of what is going on. This is what may be viewed as “mundane” or “shallow” awareness or consciousness.

Another feature that is commonly associated with the word “conscious” or “consciousness” is how we affect the world around us — that is, whether we “consciously” or “unconsciously” do things. For example, we might consciously move our hand, as opposed to unconsciously blink our eyes. This form of consciousness is more active (as opposed to passive), but it is still shallow or mundane.

What about deeper forms of consciousness?

When a person uses deep consciousness to affect the world around them, they are exerting active consciousness.

When meditators access a stillness within them that is focused in the present moment — the Now — they also often access a deeper form of awareness. This depth awareness links them to their inner or higher Self — the part of them that perceives things from a higher and wiser perspective. Access to the Self is the goal of most meditative practices and yields what may be called deep consciousness.

For example, using active consciousness, a person might:

  • Enable their own body or someone else’s body to heal.
  • Affect the behavior of a physical object — for example, the behavior of an otherwise random device.
  • Make wise and fortuitous choices that direct them toward their goals.

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within is all about understanding deep, active consciousness — how it might work, how it relates to esoteric wisdom from the past, and how we can all develop it for ourselves, not only to benefit our own lives, but also the greater collective good of the world.

Disclaimer: Active Consciousness is based on information from sources believed to be accurate and reliable and every reasonable effort has been made to make the book as complete and accurate as possible. However, such completeness and accuracy is not guaranteed.

Although Active Consciousness discusses methods for meditation, self-development, and affecting the world through consciousness, as well as various alternative systems of medical treatment such as homeopathy, it is intended only as a general introduction to these topics. It is not meant to give specific recommendations of medical, psychological, or other life advice, nor does it make any warranties or guarantees of any sort that any of the information provided in the book (or that provided in any of the books, material, or the services of any practitioner recommended within the book, on, or on will produce any particular medical, physical, emotional or other result.

Please note that Amy L. Lansky, PhD is not a licensed physician. Her doctorate is in Computer Science and was granted by Stanford University.

There is no confidential, professional, or other relationship between you and Amy L. Lansky, PhD created as a result of the information provided in Active Consciousness, on, on, or as a result of E-mail or other forms of communication between you and Amy L. Lansky, PhD. R.L.Ranch Press will not be liable to you or any other party for direct or indirect compensatory, special, incidental or consequential damages.