Boston homeopath and family medicine doctor, Richard Moskowitz, MD, has always been an important writer in the area of health, homeopathy, and vaccination. He has written a new book that will appear in 2017, and has been sharing a series of book excerpts with the homeopathic community. I have asked and been granted his permission to share them with you too. This is the first. Enjoy!
From the Introduction.
“I want to invite my readers to think very carefully about vaccines and our present policy regarding them, not least because the concerns of parents who decide not to vaccinate are so rarely acknowledged or taken seriously. As a family physician who has cared for many such children over the years, I cannot keep silent about the major epidemic of vaccine-related suffering and disability, sufficient to break any heart, that continues unabated, remains largely unacknowledged, and cries out at the very least for caution, restraint, and simple compassion for the viewpoint of those whose lived experience, whatever may have caused it, is so tragically different from that of everyone else privileged enough to be ignorant of or somehow unmoved by their loss…
In what follows, I make no claim to absolute truth or final answers. I am a family doctor, not a research scientist, and at bottom I am trying simply to make sense of my own clinical experience. What I offer is an ensemble of observed facts, clinical and basic science research, news reports from the media, actual cases from my practice, and such reflections and hypotheses as have occurred to me and other colleagues in the field to try to explain and integrate them. My aim is to provide an overview of the subject that will be accessible to a general literate audience, regardless of scientific training or background. I will feel well rewarded if my words, my reasoning, and the commingled sadness, fear, and outrage I have long felt about this subject will help to promote a healthy debate, and to elicit more of the rigorous scientific work that still needs to be done.
I write with some sense of urgency, because the time-honored rights of patients to refuse unwanted medical treatment and of parents to make such decisions on behalf of their children are now being challenged as never before. I am not a teetotaler who rejects all vaccines under all circumstances. The essence of my position is simply that vaccines by their very nature have a major downside that has largely been ignored and indeed is built into their design, so that it is reckless in the extreme to continue mandating them, and indeed more and more of them without limit, until these dangers are taken seriously, understood in a broader context, and assessed in a more careful and systematic fashion…”