Each Patient Heals in Their Own Way;  Be Patient and Follow Your Intuition

Each Patient Heals in Their Own Way; Be Patient and Follow Your Intuition

Question: I’m a mother of ASD daughter, age 3.11. A year ago she was diagnosed with mild to moderate autism… It’s about a year since I started homeopathic treatment. Hello Amy.  I want to ask one question. After one year of treatment I can say that there is a good change in her receptive language…

Chronic anxiety, antidepressants, combo remedies, self-treatment, and more…

Chronic anxiety, antidepressants, combo remedies, self-treatment, and more…

Question: Hello Amy, I have a question for you. Please would you take time to answer me. Last year in March I had been suffering from mild anxiety regarding my health issues. Someone advised me to take: Lehning L72 for anxiety (homeopathic). I took it three times a day (20 drops). The first day I…

Dog with Erythema Multiforme

Dog with Erythema Multiforme

Question: Hi Amy. I have a dog diagnosed with severe erythema multiforme (a skin condition). She is elderly now and has always suffered from severe summer allergies. In June of last year, she received a three year rabies shot and within a week the excessive, thick, odorous drooling began. She began to have great difficulty…

Learning about Homeopathy

Learning about Homeopathy

Question: I want to learn homeopathy.  Can you teach me? -Razi Answer: Hi Razi. Wow, when I first saw this question, I laughed a bit.  Learning homeopathy — I mean really learning to practice homeopathy — is just as difficult and time-consuming as learning to practice conventional medicine.  Perhaps even more so! However, learning even…

Remedy Helps, but Stops Helping;  A Case of IBS

Remedy Helps, but Stops Helping; A Case of IBS

Question: Hi Amy. I am a 35 years old man who is very sick with severe IBS, many food intolerances and malabsorption. I have lost 15 kilos in 18 months. I am very well aware of the potential of Homeopathy. Unfortunately, I have been going from one doctor to another, but 6 homeopaths have failed…

Proving a Remedy from Too High a Dose

Proving a Remedy from Too High a Dose

Question: Hi Amy, I hope you are well. I would love your feedback. Around a month ago I went to a respected homeopath to help me out with some post period pains. He prescribed Pulsatilla 1M. 2 days later I woke up in a panicked state with nausea and diarrhea. Didn’t think much about it…

Homeopathy for Bells Palsy? … and Similar Questions

Homeopathy for Bells Palsy? … and Similar Questions

Question: Is there a homeopathic remedy for Bell’s Palsy?  I am looking for something asap.  Thank you.  -Shirley Answer: Shirley, I get questions like this one quite frequently.  Of course, there are homeopathic remedies associated with almost any problem. All you need to do is type into Google:  “homeopathy <problem>” and you will find ideas. …

Changing Diet When Undergoing Homeopathic Treatment

Question: Dear Amy, My homeopathic doctor doesn’t want me to change my son’s diet.  Is this okay? -Abir Answer: Abir,The reason that your homeopath doesn’t want you to change your son’s diet is that he or she wants to be able to clearly see the effects of the remedy. If you change your son’s diet…

Knowing the Name of a Remedy; Homeoprophylaxis as an Alternative to Vaccination

Question: Dear Amy, I am a father of a new born baby and a 4 year old girl (healthy and happy). I am serious about not vaccinating my children and want proper homeopathic alternatives. I would like to know if there exists a mapping/homeopathic equivalents for the WHO recommended basic vaccines? I want my children…

Can ‘Like Cures Like’ Be Applied to Tinnitus?

Question: Hi. After reading about the Law of Similars, I had some sort of awareness about my condition suffering from Tinnitus. In “likes cure likes”, bringing two things of like vibration together, a remedy and patient, and the effect will be a cure of the patient’s disease. So if I could get the vibration of…

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