What’s Going On? — Amy’s New YouTube Channel
Hey folks! Check out my latest experiment in media outreach -- my very own YouTube channel! It's called: What's Going On? My plan is to create short reflections on any…
Hey folks! Check out my latest experiment in media outreach -- my very own YouTube channel! It's called: What's Going On? My plan is to create short reflections on any…
NOTE: Check out this new feature -- a YouTube of this article! Ah, the hubris of Man! And Woman too, but let's face it, usually the problems arise because of…
Occasionally I get a question from someone who is new to homeopathy and is nervous about embarking upon treatment. For example, I recently got this inquiry: "I just saw a…
Our trusty informant on homeopathic research, Dana Ullman, has let his followers know that a leading medical journal has reported the success of homeopathic/potentized estrogen in treating endometriosis. The European…
Question: Hi Amy. I have adrenal fatigue and would like to know what you would suggest in Homeopathy for this? Thank you : ). -Sean Answer: Hi Sean. Adrenal fatigue…
While there is still a sliver of February left, with its message of love commemorated on Valentine's Day, I thought I'd conclude the shortest month of the year with a…
Question: Hi Amy. Do you know what caused your son's autism? Was it after a vaccine? Answer: The honest answer is that I don't really know. But I have my…
Question: I’ve been suffering with what I believe are the side effects of the drug Accutane for almost 25 years. Whilst it has affected me mentally, the physical symptoms I…
"A gift resides in every moment" With the impending inauguration of Donald Trump as president, the world is at a precipice. There is a sense of surreal, almost comic unreality…
Boston homeopath and family medicine doctor, Richard Moskowitz, MD, has always been an important writer in the area of health, homeopathy, and vaccination. He has written a new book that…