Homeopathy — A World Treasure, Hidden in Plain Sight
In his foreword to my book, Impossible Cure, homeopath Richard Pitt wrote the following: "Like a hidden treasure sitting in a basement for two hundred years, the jewels of homeopathy…
In his foreword to my book, Impossible Cure, homeopath Richard Pitt wrote the following: "Like a hidden treasure sitting in a basement for two hundred years, the jewels of homeopathy…
Have a question? Ask Amy! I have just embarked upon a new experiment -- a new blog, Ask Amy. It is a place where people can ask me questions and…
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. I never really had…
Recently, a parent posted the following question to an email list I participate in: I had already pegged my son as possibly having a reaction to his constitutional remedy from…
Question: Hello Amy, I would like to know if there are any good homeopathic remedies for flea control on dogs and cats. I tried sulphur with no success on both…
Over the summer, I continued my reading about Hawaiian shamanistic beliefs, and in particular, the work of Max Freedom Long. As discussed in previous articles (October 2012, May 2013, November…
Ebola. Mystery enteroviruses and paralyses. Violence and war. The world seems to be full of fear these days. Especially fear of contagion or invasion of some kind. My first message…
I admit it: I've always been a driven, goal-oriented person. That's what modern society molds all of us to be, and in general, I have always been good at fitting…
Fall is in the air -- the end of summer, time for a new school year, time for the Jewish New Year too. In so many ways, fall always feels…
Summertime! (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere...) Time to get away from the same old routine, sit outside, and just muse a bit. Since I want to practice what…