The Meaning of Life …. According to Amy!
Check out this short article I wrote about my views about the meaning of life. It was solicited by a site that collected this material from various writers. The content…
Check out this short article I wrote about my views about the meaning of life. It was solicited by a site that collected this material from various writers. The content…
Check out this recent article I wrote about how homeopaths need to start taking better care of themselves. This article appeared last year in The American Homeopath journal, and now…
Question: Hello Amy, When my 3 children got chicken pox a couple of years ago they were each given different remedies. It was wonderful to witness each handle the chicken…
The Buddha said that suffering arises from craving -- for instance, craving for more love, more possessions, more physical prowess or beauty. But sometimes I wonder if the truth is…
I've recently begun a new experiment -- creating short videos for YouTube. I've called my "channel", What's Going On?. My intention is to use it as a vehicle for expressing…
I have long been aware that, at the deepest personal level, each of us is living in our own reality. This was driven home to me when I was practicing…
I hate to say it, but the storm clouds have only begun to gather. And what a storm it will be. As discussed in my previous article, if nothing changes,…
First, let me confess. I'm not a competitive sports person. No one in my nuclear family is. In fact, if any of us were to watch the Superbowl (or even…
Enjoy this interview I did with Gwilda Wiyaka in April 2017, for her online radio show, The Science of Magic. I describe what homeopathy is, how it might work, and…
Once again it is April -- Autism Awareness month. While the world is certainly more aware of autism, are we really any more willing to face what's going on and…