
I woke up this morning thinking about habits; bad eating habits, in particular. The other day I was sitting in a movie theater watching a morbidly obese couple happily settle into eating their two giant tubs of buttered popcorn, two giant vats of cola, and some cheesy nachos too. Truthfully, I was dumbfounded, judgmental, and…

Top 10 Tips for Parents and Patients: What I’ve Learned After 12 Years of Providing Advice

Every day, I get email from people from all over the world asking for advice about their homeopathic treatment. I spend a few hours each week answering their questions. I am not a practitioner and I do not provide actual homeopathic treatment. Nor do I receive any compensation for these efforts. But I do try…

Language Is A Virus

“Language Is A Virus“… that’s the title of a song by performance artist Laurie Anderson. How true it is. We tend to think that the language we use, the way we express ourselves, has no impact on our state of consciousness. We think that all that really matters is our meaning, not our actual words.…

Measles — Some Facts

When contemplating what to write about this month, I couldn’t help being led back, over and over again, to the measles. The discussion about the measles vaccine is all over the media, and just when it seems to let up, there it is again. Of course, whether or not any parent elects to have their…

Vision: The Key to Our Future

Happy New Year 2015! My New Year’s suggestion to you is to begin by watching this broadcast by Barbara Marx Hubbard on the occasion of her 85th birthday. Hubbard is a futurist and visionary for the future of mankind and I plan to learn more about her work in 2015. In her broadcast, she describes…

Health Tips 2015 — or, What I Learned in 2014

It’s hard to believe, but I’m  now embarking upon my 6th year of writing the Impossible Cure Newsletter. Happy New Year! Since most of us begin the year with a few health-oriented resolutions, I thought I’d provide you with some inspiration — two of my personal health discoveries in 2014. The first is simple.  For…

The Power of Light

As we approach the darkest days of the year (at least in the northern hemisphere), all of us become more and more aware of the power of light. This power is echoed in the imagery and symbols of all the holidays celebrated at this time of year, from Christmas lights to Hanukkah candles to the…

Homeopathy — A World Treasure, Hidden in Plain Sight

In his foreword to my book, Impossible Cure, homeopath Richard Pitt wrote the following: “Like a hidden treasure sitting in a basement for two hundred years, the jewels of homeopathy need to see the light of day.” How true! At this time of year, as we pause in thanks between Thanksgiving (in America) and Christmas,…

Introducing the Ask Amy Blog!

Have a question?  Ask Amy! I have just embarked upon a new experiment — a new blog, Ask Amy. It is a place where people can ask me questions and I can answer in a way that can be shared not only with them, but with others. Ever since my first book, Impossible Cure, appeared…

Finding Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. I never really had any idea what “grace” meant until a couple of years ago. I had always thought it was a Christian concept, and I just didn’t relate…