Homeopathy is a Family Affair

Recently, a parent posted the following question to an email list I participate in: I had already pegged my son as possibly having a reaction to his constitutional remedy from last night when we woke up today; I thought we were in for a cranky day. I then took my own remedy for my acute…

The Missing Ingredient of Most Manifestation Techniques

Over the summer, I continued my reading about Hawaiian shamanistic beliefs, and in particular, the work of Max Freedom Long. As discussed in previous articles (October 2012, May 2013, November 2013, May 2014), Long was an American who came to the Hawaiian islands in the early 1900s and made it his life’s work to record…

Anxiety About Health

Ebola. Mystery enteroviruses and paralyses. Violence and war. The world seems to be full of fear these days. Especially fear of contagion or invasion of some kind. My first message to you is: breathe. Settle into your body. Unless you are living in West Africa, Syria, Iraq, or Ukraine, you are probably safe. No matter…

State, Not Strive

I admit it: I’ve always been a driven, goal-oriented person. That’s what modern society molds all of us to be, and in general, I have always been good at fitting that mold. For most of my life, my goals have always been clear and I found it quite natural and fulfilling to pursue them. I…

The Times They Are A’Changin

Fall is in the air — the end of summer, time for a new school year, time for the Jewish New Year too. In so many ways, fall always feels like a time of metamorphosis. The spring opens forward, but the fall folds within, like a caterpillar building its cocoon in preparation for a whole…

Relax! It’s Summer…

Summertime! (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere…) Time to get away from the same old routine, sit outside, and just muse a bit. Since I want to practice what I preach, I’m doing the same and not writing a new feature article this month (though I do have an important one planned for September!)…

Some cool summer links to check out!

Sit Back, Relax, and Check out Some Cool Summer Links Summertime! (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere…) Time to get away from the same old routine, sit outside, and just muse a bit. Here are some tidbits I’ve collected over the past few months that might pique your interest, tickle your fancy, or give…

Letting Go

One of the biggest mental and physical health problems that people face is stress. And one of the biggest causal factors for stress is a feeling that one has no control over life circumstances. It could be a significant stressor — financial loss, the collapse of a relationship, or even the death of a loved…

Was It the Remedy?

I have written several articles in the past about the various possible reactions to homeopathic remedies and what these responses mean (October 2013, March 2013, April 2012). But sometimes, you’re not really sure if anything is happening at all; or, if you’re doing much better, whether it was really the remedy that caused your improvement.…

Active Consciousness Is One of the Top 5 Books That Will Change the Way You Think!

Active Consciousness Receives Amazing Endorsement! Check out this article that recently appeared on a popular blog site, www.huge-relief-fast.com. It describes Active Consciousness as one of the Top 5 Books That Will Change How You Think!! And don’t forget: If you love Active Consciousness too, please do write a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.