Living in Parallel Universes

Early in May, my husband Steve and I took a short vacation to Sedona, Arizona — an amazingly beautiful place surrounded by otherworldly and spiritually inspiring rock formations. (Luckily, we were there before a forest fire hit nearby only a week or two later.) On our first morning in Sedona, we arrived late to the…

Dealing with Allergies

It’s that time of year again — when many of us find ourselves sneezing and blowing as the flowers and grasses bloom. It’s important to remember, before you rush to the drug store, that homeopathy might be the answer you really need. Many years ago, before I used homeopathy, my spring and summer allergies were…

The Secret Knowledge of the Kahunas

In past articles (5/13, 10/12), I have discussed the valuable teaching of the Hawaiian shamans or kahunas. Recently, I have expanded my studies on this subject and have been struck by how well this system of knowledge and wisdom aligns with the information I put forth in my book Active Consciousness. One book that I…

Nosodes? CEASE? Isopathy? Sequential? What’s It All About?

I get letters from readers of Impossible Cure every day — a large percentage of which are from parents of autistic children looking for guidance. I recently received the following question, and I thought my answer might be helpful to many readers. Are CEASE and the use of nosodes the same thing? I’m a little…

April is Autism Awareness Month: Let’s Spread Awareness that Homeopathy Can Heal Autism!

I look forward to the day when the news about autism is truly getting better, not worse. So far, that is certainly not the case. In March, just in time for Autism Awareness Month in April, the CDC released new statistics — 1 in 68 children are now autistic. Since the rate is higher in…

Life Is Breathing

My husband Steve and I just recently returned from a trip to Sydney Australia, where we visited with our son Izaak. Izaak walks two miles each way to work each day, and he had us walking great distances in Sydney too. Indeed, we noticed that almost everyone there walks to where they need to go…

The Psychosoma — All Disease is Psycho-Somatic

In Chapter 5 of my book Impossible Cure, I emphasize the fact that all disease is psycho-somatic in nature — that is, is reflected in our entire state being, which includes both our “soma” (our physical body), as well as our “psyche” — our emotions and mental state. In my second book, Active Consciousness, I…

Breaking Down the Fourth Wall

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” -Shakespeare Anyone remotely familiar with Shakespeare knows that he sometimes employed the use of a commentator or “observer” in his plays, who periodically remarked, often satirically, on the action. Unlike a mere narrator, however, this type of character speaks essentially as a…

New Research Continues to Prove the Power and Efficacy of Homeopathy

Tired of hearing “there is no scientific proof” for homeopathy? I know I am! Despite this seemingly never-ending chorus of misinformation, more and more studies continue to pour in that prove homeopathy works. Most of them are being conducted in India and Europe, where homeopathy is much more accepted. Studies that should be especially convincing…

A New Year’s Experiment: Let Go of Assumptions

Lately, instead of writing my Active Consciousness articles to a fixed deadline, I try to wait until inspiration hits me and trust that it will. For me it happened this morning. I woke up thinking about the fact that it was already January 6 and I had no idea what to write about for my…