Get the New Year Off to a Good Start With Some Homeopathic Inspirations!

1. Probably my favorite homeopathic video for 2013 has to be an amazing re-imagining of “American Pie” with lyrics and images recalling the wondrous history of homeopathy. Entitiled Homeo Pie, it was put together by Robert Cassard and homeopath Bara Waters and can be found on Bara Waters’ site. It’s long (as is American Pie,…

New Interview Videos!

As mentioned in previous posts, a new film is in production that will feature Amy and her ideas, especially as they pertain to consciousness and synchronicity.  Entitled Time Is Art, the filmmakers created short interview videos as promotions for the movie.  You can see two interviews of Amy here: An interview about the relationship between…

The Original Self

In past issues of the Active Consciousness Newsletter, as well as in Active Consciousness, I have written about different components or aspects of one’s self. These include: * the Inner or Higher Self* the Basic Self (a concept from Hawaiian shamanism)* the Middle Self — the thinking/rational mind (also identified in Hawaiian shamanism)* the “mundane”…

Homeopathy — A Treasure Hidden in Plain Sight

Being a lover and advocate of homeopathy can sometimes be a frustrating occupation. You speak passionately and cajole, provide scientific proof and personal testimonial evidence. “Look! Look! This medicine possesses a miraculous power of healing! You need not suffer!” You write articles that show how even scientific studies prove that homeopathic remedies could drastically reduce…

Antibiotics — Is There Another Way?

The following article about the homeopathic alternative to antibiotics for farm animals appeared on on October 25, 2013. Please visit the Truthout link and give it a thumbs up — and forward it within your social networks! The news has been buzzing lately about a recent CDC report that confirms a link between the…

Relaxing Your “Cringe Factor”

Do you have any mysterious aches or pains? Perhaps a recurring back or neck spasm? An unexplainable stomach ache that comes on unexpectedly? As many of you know, I am also the author of a book about homeopathy, Impossible Cure. In the world of alternative medicine, symptoms like these aren’t viewed as menaces to be…

Am I On The Right Track in My Homeopathic Treatment?

I receive Emails every day from people who have read my book and are looking for help and advice. I recently received one very common question, and I thought it might be helpful to many of you to share my response. I was wondering how to determine if a homeopathic remedy is the correct match.…

New Active Consciousness Excerpt On Reality Sandwich

Check it out!  A new excerpt from Active Consciousness has appeared on Reality Sandwich.  Help promote my work by writing a supportive comment! We Are All Explorers of Higher Dimensional Space — The Power of Active Consciousness

Capturing the Moment

Why do we take photos? We are on a vacation, at a reunion, at a family event, or just hanging out with friends, and we want to remember the moment. Our memories just don’t seem sufficient. We know that later on, we can see our photos and recapture our experience and savor it once again.…

New Interview — “Talking Points” for the Sync Movie…

Check it out — — Time Is Art: The Path of Synchronicity.  (Amy is featured on “Talking Points” 3 and 4.)