Unraveling the Vaccine Debate: Finding the Fulcrum Beneath Polarity

Many of us are growing to realize the dangers inherent in the increasing polarities in our world. Polarity is all about two camps fighting one another on two sides of an issue, each side “othering” and dehumanizing the other as an enemy to be vanquished at all costs. Of course, polarities have likely plagued humanity…

Homeopathic Success in Treating Cancer, Vaccine Injuries Climbing, and More Signs of a Momentous Year of Change Ahead

As we enter a new year, I sense that 2021 will be a year of change. Many are hoping that the COVID vaccine will enable our world to get back to the old normal. But I believe it will be a year of surprises and action that takes us into a new reality that none…

The Power of Uncertainty

If there’s one thing that COVID-times have brought us, it’s uncertainty. We wake up each morning wondering what unexpected changes are coming our way. Will there be work, will there be school, will there be money? Will we or our loved ones become sick or well? What governmental regulations will be imposed or lifted? Will…

How Much Is Too Much?

How much is too much?  That seems to be a question that keeps coming up these days, in one form or another.  How much surveillance is too much surveillance? How much money is too much money? How many immigrants are too many immigrants? How much state control is too much state control? How much freedom…

When Will This All End?

We are all asking ourselves that question right about now! In the first couple of months of our “COVID Adventure,” it seemed a bit exciting and even interesting. Of course, there was suffering too, but we all felt engaged in a global joint effort. We learned new routines and many of us got into new…

Where There’s Fire There’s Smoke

Greetings from California and the West Coast of the United States, land of fire and smoke. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, those of us living in this part of the world have been visited by, first, unbelievable hot spells, then extremely rare lightning storms, and then rampant and huge fires accompanied by…

My Family’s COVID-19 Experience

Today I am happy to report that my son Max, now 29 years old, has survived COVID-19 . Thankfully, his experience of the disease was no worse than a standard flu. I thought all of you might be interested in hearing about this experience, how homeopathy helped, and some lessons learned. Max lives in Los…

Our Purple Future

If you have read my book Active Consciousness or have become familiar with my writing in general, then you know that having a vision of the future is what brings it into being. Toward that end, here is the bright future that lies ahead… I have a dream. That the increasing possibility for and advantages…

Get Current

My teacher Gary Sherman often tells his students to “get current.” He means that, periodically, we all need to take stock of our lives and readjust to what is. That might mean looking through your clothes closet and donating items that you haven’t worn in years. It might mean looking at the design of your…

More Hopeful Resources to Explore

One of the most exciting pieces of news to come my way lately is the amazing successes the Indian state of Kerala is having with its egalitarian healthcare system, which includes the use of both homeopathy and Ayurveda. 20 million doses of Arsenicum Album were distributed free of charge as a preventative for COVID-19, and…