There have been easy times and hard times for homeopathy since the beginning. Right off the bat, Hahnemann experienced both mockery and accolades. Eager young devotee doctors surrounded him and became his first provers of homeopathic medicines. At the same time, Hahnemann was repeatedly hounded out of town by the local apothecaries (pharmacies) because he…
No Worries
My son Izaak has been living in Australia for several years now. One Australian phrase that I love is “No Worries, Mate!” I remember waiting in a huge line to check in for a flight there in 2002. Over the loudspeaker they announced “No worries, everyone! Relax!” Can you imagine that announcement in an American…
There Is Hope With Homeopathy
This has been a difficult newsletter to approach and write. The past month has been full of worrisome news for those of us in the world of alternative medicine, especially folks in the autism community with concerns about forced vaccination. Every alternative medicine newsletter I’ve read lately is awash in panic about a possible federal…
Why Is It So Hard to Love Ourselves?
Valentine’s Day is only days away. Why not make a commitment now to start developing a loving relationship with the most important person in your life? YOU. Do you scoff at this idea? Do you think it’s egotistic or morally repugnant to focus on loving yourself? Know that loving yourself is not about selfish egotism…
Why Am I So Confident About Homeopathy? It Works! Here’s Some More Scientific Proof Too
Just this week I got an email from someone who has begun to read Impossible Cure. (Actually, he’s listening to the audio book — something many of you might also be interested in.) He asked me how I could be so confident about homeopathy, given all the naysayers, quackbusters, and negative media about it. My…
It’s Time to Turn Off the Trump Channel
I know that I’m kind of going against the message of this article by even using the “T” word in its title. But the title’s message is so important. It’s the end of the year, a time for reflection. Soon we greet a new year, a time for change. Decide now to free yourself and…
Homeopathic Reflections for Year’s End
Last month I promised to provide a list of studies in this month’s newsletter. However, I decided that this would be a better way to begin 2019 — with new energy and information. December seems like a better time to sit back and reflect a bit. All of us cannot help noticing that today’s world…
How to Break an Emotional Habit
At New Year’s time, we often decide to break old physical habits that don’t serve us anymore. We may resolve to eat more healthfully, exercise more, or stop smoking. With the holidays coming up soon, perhaps now is a good time to think about addressing your negative emotional habits — those chronic, habitual, almost reflex-like…
As More Research Supporting Homeopathy Pours In, Efforts to Eliminate It Double Down
Almost every week I find out about new research supporting the efficacy of homeopathic remedies. It ranges from focused clinical studies, to broader studies that focus on overall patient wellness and satisfaction, to laboratory studies on animals, to basic research studies that prove that homeopathic dilutions are not merely “plain old water.” At the same…
Are Relationships Forever?
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the nature of relationship. Over the past few years, some long term friendships ended for me, and truthfully, in each case, it came as a relief. However, mixed with relief came a lot of other feelings — especially guilt and sadness. I felt like I had failed in…