Preparing for This Year’s Flu

The yearly hype about the flu shot has begun, so it’s time to consider your response. First and foremost — assume that you won’t get sick! In fact, I hesitated to use the above title and corresponding image for this article because it may just serve to prime your belief that you’ll get the flu.…

Does Diet Matter in Autism Treatment?

Hi Amy. My son was diagnosed with autism 2 months back. He is 3.8 years old. Following your advice we started homeopathy treatment for him and have also started reading Impossible Cure. The first thing we did was remove milk which had casein, along with gluten. We started soya milk as a replacement to milk.…

Where Can You Find Meaning?

One of the books on my summer reading list this year is Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. Reading about the experiences of a concentration camp survivor might be considered rather harsh summer fare, but I have repeatedly heard people talk about the inspirational power of this book. I agree — and I recommend it…

Think HOMEOPATHY! — for Summertime Woes and Back to School

Summertime is waning and school days are nearly here. Remember that homeopathy can come to the rescue for all of those summer bumps, bruises, and stings. And when you’re sending your kids off to school, don’t forget to send remedies too! I’ve always bought or created a kit for my children when they went to…

Act Now! Before It’s Too Late

How often have you heard an advertisement that warns you to “Act Now! Before It’s Too Late”? Of course, most of the time, this kind of thing is simply a form of psychological manipulation. But there really are some things that have an expiration date. I’m 62 and my husband Steve is 65. That means…

Odds and Ends — Stuff to Watch and Read (about autism and/or homeopathy)

Stuff to watch on YouTube: Great video of a New Jersey autism-prevalence research official discussing the recent federal statistics, including information about: a) the especially high rate in New Jersey — 3% (1:33) of all children and 1:22 boys; b) the fact that rate increases are NOT due to increased awareness or diagnostic criteria. A…

Life Is a Feedback Loop

Most of us assume that our day-to-day emotional and physical ups and downs are a result of things that “happen to us.” We believe we are at the effect of random events or influences in the outer world or at the mercy of other people. But what if it’s the other way around? What if,…

Updated Article About Autism Incidence and Causes

The following article is an updated version (with the new statistics) of my older article about autism incidence and its possible causes. When Will We Be Willing to Actually Do Something About Autism?

The Line Between Fear and Trust

There is certainly no shortage of things to worry about these days. From politics and war to climate change to health, so many people I know are caught, almost gleefully, in a state of addictive fear. Various forms of media feed the fire. Conspiracy mentality isn’t confined to the fringe anymore. It’s gotten to the…

Clinging Never Works

Whenever we approach Valentine’s Day each February, I usually write about the blessings of love. But what about the flip side? Lost love? Or clinging to those we love? Just as Christmas-time can be painful for many, so can Valentine’s Day. Sometimes it’s hard not to cling to the things or people we love. We…