Most of us spend the majority of our time in an emotional state of mind that my teacher, Gary Sherman, calls our “baseline state.” Usually, this habitual way of being is established in childhood, often as a reaction to the underlying tone of our family home or, perhaps, various childhood traumas. The trouble is, our…
Personal Reflections Posts
“Just One Drop” Is Here!
For many years, the Impossible Cure Newsletter has talked about a movie-in-the-making about homeopathy — “Just One Drop.” Laurel Chiten, the award-winning filmmaker of “Just One Drop”, has poured her heart and soul into this project for over 10 years. Well, the time is now! The film has been premiering world-wide for months now, to…
Synchronicity of the Month!
I just can’t resist telling you about an amazing synchronicity I recently experienced. For the past several years, I have utilized an excellent journal called The Sacred Journey. Among other things, it involves “pulling cards” from a divination deck of your choice to reveal a message for each month. I utilize the Medicine Card deck,…
Some New Articles Relevant to the Legality of Homeopathic Practice and Remedies
As I’ve stressed in Impossible Cure, homeopathy can only thrive and grow if its practice is legal (enabling more homeopaths to be trained and become available to patients) and if homeopathic remedies are freely available too. These recent articles by health freedom lawyer Diane Miller (who I worked with when I got involved in passing…
The Meaning of Life …. According to Amy!
Check out this short article I wrote about my views about the meaning of life. It was solicited by a site that collected this material from various writers. The content of the site has now been published as a book.
Homeopath — Heal Thyself!
Check out this recent article I wrote about how homeopaths need to start taking better care of themselves. This article appeared last year in The American Homeopath journal, and now appears online on the excellent site, Hpathy. p.s. When I say, “heal thyself” I don’t mean treat thyself!
Our Addiction to Suffering
The Buddha said that suffering arises from craving — for instance, craving for more love, more possessions, more physical prowess or beauty. But sometimes I wonder if the truth is more akin to the reverse — that we crave our suffering. In other words, are we actually addicted to suffering? In the past, I have…
The Collapse of Consensus Reality
I have long been aware that, at the deepest personal level, each of us is living in our own reality. This was driven home to me when I was practicing homeopathy part-time for a couple of years. An important part of the homeopathic process is for the patient to share with the practitioner, not only…
What Happens After the Dangers of Vaccines Are Acknowledged?
I hate to say it, but the storm clouds have only begun to gather. And what a storm it will be. As discussed in my previous article, if nothing changes, the autism rate (and the rate of other types of neurological and autoimmune disorders becoming increasingly prevalent among children today) will only rise as the…
Are Competitive Sports Actually A Good Thing?
First, let me confess. I’m not a competitive sports person. No one in my nuclear family is. In fact, if any of us were to watch the Superbowl (or even know who was playing in it!), it would be me. And when I do watch competitive sports, I can get pretty worked up. In fact,…