Happy New Year 2015! My New Year’s suggestion to you is to begin by watching this broadcast by Barbara Marx Hubbard on the occasion of her 85th birthday. Hubbard is a futurist and visionary for the future of mankind and I plan to learn more about her work in 2015. In her broadcast, she describes…
Personal Reflections Posts
Health Tips 2015 — or, What I Learned in 2014
It’s hard to believe, but I’m now embarking upon my 6th year of writing the Impossible Cure Newsletter. Happy New Year! Since most of us begin the year with a few health-oriented resolutions, I thought I’d provide you with some inspiration — two of my personal health discoveries in 2014. The first is simple. For…
The Power of Light
As we approach the darkest days of the year (at least in the northern hemisphere), all of us become more and more aware of the power of light. This power is echoed in the imagery and symbols of all the holidays celebrated at this time of year, from Christmas lights to Hanukkah candles to the…
Introducing the Ask Amy Blog!
Have a question? Ask Amy! I have just embarked upon a new experiment — a new blog, Ask Amy. It is a place where people can ask me questions and I can answer in a way that can be shared not only with them, but with others. Ever since my first book, Impossible Cure, appeared…
Finding Grace
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. I never really had any idea what “grace” meant until a couple of years ago. I had always thought it was a Christian concept, and I just didn’t relate…
Anxiety About Health
Ebola. Mystery enteroviruses and paralyses. Violence and war. The world seems to be full of fear these days. Especially fear of contagion or invasion of some kind. My first message to you is: breathe. Settle into your body. Unless you are living in West Africa, Syria, Iraq, or Ukraine, you are probably safe. No matter…
State, Not Strive
I admit it: I’ve always been a driven, goal-oriented person. That’s what modern society molds all of us to be, and in general, I have always been good at fitting that mold. For most of my life, my goals have always been clear and I found it quite natural and fulfilling to pursue them. I…
The Times They Are A’Changin
Fall is in the air — the end of summer, time for a new school year, time for the Jewish New Year too. In so many ways, fall always feels like a time of metamorphosis. The spring opens forward, but the fall folds within, like a caterpillar building its cocoon in preparation for a whole…
Relax! It’s Summer…
Summertime! (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere…) Time to get away from the same old routine, sit outside, and just muse a bit. Since I want to practice what I preach, I’m doing the same and not writing a new feature article this month (though I do have an important one planned for September!)…
Letting Go
One of the biggest mental and physical health problems that people face is stress. And one of the biggest causal factors for stress is a feeling that one has no control over life circumstances. It could be a significant stressor — financial loss, the collapse of a relationship, or even the death of a loved…