Changing Diet When Undergoing Homeopathic Treatment


Dear Amy,

My homeopathic doctor doesn’t want me to change my son’s diet.  Is this okay?



The reason that your homeopath doesn’t want you to change your son’s diet is that he or she wants to be able to clearly see the effects of the remedy. If you change your son’s diet at the same time, it’s harder to tell what did what.

However, removing things from the diet (for example, dairy or gluten) can really help many children.  In fact, these foods can be an obstacle to the remedy working as well as it could.  So I would discuss this with your homeopath.  Perhaps after the homeopath feels that the remedy has been helping for while, they might agree that you can now change the diet and see if that also helps.

Another approach, in general, would be to introduce things like dietary changes before embarking on homeopathic treatment.  In general, you should not introduce many changes all at once since it creates confusion in understanding remedy reactions and effects.

I hope this is helpful.


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