Probably the best way to learn about homeopathy is to read Impossible Cure. It is used as a patient education book and first year textbook at homeopathy schools around the world. It has also been translated into a number of foreign languages.
Referrals to Homeopathy Practitioners
Autism Treatment
Cure Is Possible (The Cure Stories Database)
Archive of Amy’s Radio Show about Homeopathy (aired on Autism One Radio)
Homeopathy Resources — organizations, pharmacies, schools, publications, and more
Impossible Cure Newsletter Archive
Disclaimer: Impossible Cure is based on information from sources believed to be accurate and reliable and every reasonable effort has been made to make the book as complete and accurate as possible. However, such completeness and accuracy is not guaranteed.
Although Impossible Cure discusses the homeopathic method of treatment, including stories of cure using various remedies, it is intended only as a general introduction to homeopathy. It is not meant to give specific recommendations of medical, psychological, or other advice regarding the treatment of particular illnesses. Nor does it make any warranties or guarantees of any sort that any of the information provided in the book (or that provided in any of the books, material, or the services of any practitioner recommended within the book or this web site) will produce any particular medical, physical, emotional or other result. This book is not intended to be a replacement for good medical diagnosis and treatment by a licensed physician or for care by a certified health-care practitioner. Readers are strongly cautioned to consult with a licensed health-care professional before utilizing any information in Impossible Cure, and if they choose to pursue to homeopathic treatment, to do so under the supervision of a licensed physician and a certified homeopath.
Please note that Amy L. Lansky, PhD is not a licensed physician. Her doctorate is in Computer Science and was granted by Stanford University. She has closed her homeopathic practice as of January 2007, but is happy to correspond with parents to provide referrals and support via email (see contact form on this site).
Also note that while homeopathic services are not licensed by the State of California, homeopathy is alternative or complementary to the healing arts that are licensed by the State of California and is allowed under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and Professions Code.
There is no confidential, professional, or other relationship between you and Amy L. Lansky, PhD created as a result of the information provided in Impossible Cure or this web site, or as a result of E-mail or other forms of communication between you and Amy L. Lansky, PhD. Amy L. Lansky, PhD and R.L.Ranch Press will not be liable to you or any other party for direct or indirect compensatory, special, incidental or consequential damages.