Introducing the Ask Amy Blog!

Have a question?  Ask Amy!

askamy-headerI have just embarked upon a new experiment — a new blog, Ask Amy. It is a place where people can ask me questions and I can answer in a way that can be shared not only with them, but with others.

Ever since my first book, Impossible Cure, appeared in 2003, I have been inundated with emails from all over the world that ask for my advice. I have always answered on an individual basis and without any compensation, which has consumed quite a bit of my time. My hope is that AskAmy will be a way for me to share this information more widely and more efficiently. As my answers accumulate, I will categorize them so that they can reviewed easily by people who visit the blog. I am happy to answer questions about almost any subject, but especially alternative health, consciousness, autism, homeopathy, meditation, and synchronicity — that is, the subject matter of my books Impossible Cure and Active Consciousness.

To find out more, visit AskAmy!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. T

    Hi Amy!

    I am a mother of a child with ASD. Can you recommend a good homeopath in the Denver, Colorado area? I would love to get started on this for my son. Thank you so much!

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