Amy Lansky Newsletter -- January 2024


A New Year Brings a New Look and Important Changes!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I know I've been mostly incommunicado in 2022 and 2023. Between driving the country with my husband Steve for a year, buying a new house in Greenville, SC, and fixing it up, we've been very busy. But 2024 will bring change to the world and to my communications and writing.

In preparation for a third book that I'm now finishing up (and hope will appear by the end of 2024), I've decided to unify my book websites and newsletters. From now on, I will be issuing just a single newsletter -- the Amy Lansky Newsletter. I'll be sending it to both of my mailing lists -- Impossible Cure Newsletter and Active Consciousness Newsletter -- and I plan to continue doing so. So if you no longer wish to receive it, please unsubscribe.

Although my old book websites, and still exist and will likely continue to exist for quite a while, my new primary website is
Check it out! It is much more modern looking (I built the old sites many years ago in raw HTML). It will work better on cell phones too. The blog portion of the new site will include all my feature articles from past and future newsletters and the AskAmy blog is there too.

Anyway, I hope you will continue your newsletter subscription. I promise not to send one out more than once a month.


Impossible Cure -- in Spanish!!

Finally finally. After years of wanting this to happen, the Spanish translation of Impossible Cure now exists! It is available in both paperback and eBook format from a Spanish publisher, Mandala Ediciones, and is entitled Cura imposible. La promesa de la Homeopatía. Spread the word!


New Interviews

Although I've been incommunicado vis-a-vis my newsletters and blogging, I have done an occasional interview over the past couple of years. Check them out. Many of them touch upon why we felt compelled to leave California and discuss my views about the developing craziness in the world.

A November 2023 interview by Doc Malik on his popular podcast.

A 2023 interview by Denise Straiges for her students at the Academy of Homeopathy Education.

An interview by Australian homeopath Eugenie Kruger for her show, “Homeopathy Hangout”.

An interview by North Dakotan Renita Brannan for a group of women interested in homeopathy.


A Third Book in the Works!

As mentioned above, I've been working on a third book for several years now. I had much of the first draft written before COVID hit. Then the world shifted and a book that combines a focus on several forms of alternative medicine with my views about the energy body and the meaning of life didn't seem like something that would go over very well!

Nevertheless, my COVID experience refined my view about the goal and purpose of this new book and as a result, I believe it will be more apt than ever. (By the way, I never divulge my book title until it appears. But I've known the title of this book even before I wrote it... I received it in a meditation many years ago.)

A key emphasis of my new book is our true human identity as powerful physical and spiritual beings. I believe it's more important than ever that we remember this, and not get sucked into a mechanistic view of ourselves -- a view that predisposes you to be more easily manipulated by media and political forces. Instead, we are made up of physical, energetic, and spiritual components. In addition to homeopathy, of course, there are many forms of alternative healing that address these different and interwoven parts of our complete Selves. My intention is that this new book will serve as a general guidebook for those who are seeking healing outside the boundaries of conventional medicine in the coming times.


Start the New Year with Confidence!!


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