Question: Hi Amy. I have a dog diagnosed with severe erythema multiforme (a skin condition). She is elderly now and has always suffered from severe summer allergies. In June of last year, she...
Dog with Erythema Multiforme
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Question: Hi Amy. I have a dog diagnosed with severe erythema multiforme (a skin condition). She is elderly now and has always suffered from severe summer allergies. In June of last year, she...
Question: My dog is suffering from anal gland abscess. I gave him 3 doses of Arsenicum Album 200c. A new symptom appeared -- he is vomiting for the past 4 days. I gave him Nux Vomica 200c, 3 doses,...
Question: Hello Amy, I would like to know if there are any good homeopathic remedies for flea control on dogs and cats. I tried sulphur with no success on both my cat and dog. Or any other natural...