Sit Back, Relax, and Check out Some Cool Summer Links
Summertime! (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere…) Time to get away from the same old routine, sit outside, and just muse a bit.
Here are some tidbits I’ve collected over the past few months that might pique your interest, tickle your fancy, or give you food for thought.
Stories of Homeopathy Healing
* Homeopath Joette Calabrese helps her father outlive his own cardiologists
* British actress Michelle Collins beats depression with homeopathy
* Autism cure case
* Dana Ullman’s latest — Gabriel Garcia Marquez and other great authors love homeopathy!
Autism Awareness and Activism
* Paper on bogus trials that exonerate vaccines
* Amazing talk on the relationship between autism, vaccines, glyphosate, aluminum, and more — by MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff
* I’ve talked about this one for years — research finally links acetominophen (Tylenol) use and autism
General Inspirational Articles and Media on Alternative Health and Wellness
* 10 Young People Who Are Changing the Food System for the Better
* Healing Cavities and Other Benefits of Oil Pulling. Also see: Dr. Mercola’s YouTube on oil pulling.
* The intriguing benefits of fasting
* Entertaining and inspirational movie about obesity, illness, and the miraculous power of juice fasts