Synchronicity Happens!

In my second book, Active Consciousness, I talk about the relationship between the phenomenon of synchronicity and the homeopathic principle of “like cures like.” In a synchronicity, two meaningfully related things are drawn to each other in space and time, creating one of those uncanny “coincidences” that can appear in our lives.

I recently experienced this magical phenomenon when I was visiting Wellington, New Zealand a few weeks ago with my husband Steve and my son Izaak. We were wandering a labyrinth of city streets, making our way back to our hotel. Along the way, we took a short alley-like shortcut. Suddenly I looked up from the sidewalk and saw a sign that read: “Simillimum”. At that moment I remembered that this was the name of the primary homeopathic pharmacy in New Zealand. In fact, several years ago, when my book Impossible Cure came out, they carried it as a product.

Naturally we all walked in. And there was Michael Dong, who I had conversed with online way back when. Not realizing who he was, I said, “Maybe you know who I am — Amy Lansky, who wrote Impossible Cure?” Much excitement then followed, complete with some picture-taking. Michael made me feel like quite the celebrity! Also synchronistically, it turned out he had been a homeopathic student in England with our very first homeopath.

In India, coming across a homeopathic pharmacy is quite commonplace. In a place like New Zealand, however, it is a rarity. Indeed, this may have been the only such establishment in all of New Zealand. My being synchronistically drawn to it, along a somewhat obscure street, was certainly testimony to the powerful pull between like-minded and like-meaninged things.

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