Wow, things just seem to get grimmer, don't they? Mandated COVID shots for many people, negative news about homeopathy in the New York Times (because a California naturopath was selling products as...
How Much Is Too Much?
How much is too much? That seems to be a question that keeps coming up these days, in one form or another. How much surveillance is too much surveillance? How much money is too much money? How...
Positive News to Start Your Summer
With all the doom and gloom around us, and in particular (as far as this newsletter is concerned) in the area of health freedom, I thought it might be nice to start off the summer with some bits of...
Why Am I So Confident About Homeopathy? It Works! Here’s Some More Scientific Proof Too
Just this week I got an email from someone who has begun to read Impossible Cure. (Actually, he's listening to the audio book -- something many of you might also be interested in.) He asked me how I...
Homeopathic Bits and Pieces to Contemplate at Year’s End
As 2017 comes to a conclusion, here are some interesting tidbits to check out. Interesting Articles: Another interesting article by Dana Ullman full of compelling facts, figures, and scientitic...
Homeopathy — Ever Controversial
Homeopathy has aroused controversy ever since the time of Hahnemann -- mostly because it posed a threat to the medical status quo. Yes, it has always been mocked as "ridiculous" by the...
Lots of New Homeopathic Research to Report
Our trusty informant on homeopathic research, Dana Ullman, has let his followers know that a leading medical journal has reported the success of homeopathic/potentized estrogen in treating...
Dealing with Allergies
It's that time of year again -- when many of us find ourselves sneezing and blowing as the flowers and grasses bloom. It's important to remember, before you rush to the drug store, that homeopathy...
New Research Continues to Prove the Power and Efficacy of Homeopathy
Tired of hearing "there is no scientific proof" for homeopathy? I know I am! Despite this seemingly never-ending chorus of misinformation, more and more studies continue to pour in that prove...
Homeopathy and Cancer
For more information about homeopathy, please visit Homeopaths in the United States don't often treat cancer patients, but homeopathy definitely has a role to play in cancer...